ponedeljek, februar 26, 2007

Sipping a cup of tea, going for a morning walk, doing your work - all these small activities make up your living. And each part, each moment of living, is meaningful. You just have to be there; otherwise, who is going to experience the meaning? People go on drinking tea, but they never are there; their minds are wandering all over the world.
Osho Talks - Meaning of Life

Books say, "She did this because."
Life says, "She did this."
Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren't.
I'm not surprised that some people prefer books.
Books make sense.
The only problem is that the lives they make sense of are other people's lives, never your own.

Peeping through my keyhold I see within the range of only about 30 percent of the light that comes from the sun; the rest is infrared and some little ultraviolet, perfectly apparent to many animals, but invisible to me. A nightmare network of ganglia, charged and firing without my knowledge, cuts and splices what I see, editing it for my brain. Donald E. Carr points out that the sense impressions of one-celled animals are not edited for the brian: 'This is philosophically interesting in a rather mournful way, since it means that only the simplest animals perceive the universe as it is.
Annie DillardPilgrim at Tinker Creek

nedelja, februar 18, 2007

ponedeljek, februar 05, 2007

Prvič na smučkah....pred 38 leti..:)...!!!