ponedeljek, januar 22, 2007

40 B@A


sobota, januar 13, 2007

petek, januar 12, 2007

Green Tara
Green Tara is Tara's most dynamic manifestation. Her color symbolizes youthful vigor and activity. The Buddhist Lord of karma (action), Amoghasiddhi, is also associated with the green color, thus signifying that they belong to the same family. This is a further affirmation of the perception that Green Tara is a goddess of action.
She is often depicted in a posture of ease with right leg extended, signifying her readiness to spring into action. The left leg is folded in the contemplative position on the lotus pedestal, the two together thus symbolizing the integration of wisdom and art.
Her left hand, in the gesture of granting refuge holds the stem of a blue lotus that floats over her left shoulder as a symbol of purity and power. With her right hand she makes the boon-granting gesture.

četrtek, januar 11, 2007

Moja sestra Mojca na rajži po Nepalu!

Don't become a follower, begin to take a chance. Try becoming a dreamer and create your own dance.
Če se pokloniš plemenitemu človeku,pa čeprav samo za kratek hip,je več vredno kot sto let žrtvovanj in vsak mesec na tisoč darovanj – tako spoštovanje je res boljše kot sto let molitev in obredov.