ponedeljek, december 25, 2006

Ko zadnji list na koledarju odtrgan je,prihaja čas,ko novo leto, mlado leto,se na saneh pripelje v vas.Naj nam nikar ne zmanjka časa za srečanje in za pozdrav,naj nam nikar ne zmanjka časa,za vedro pesem, svet sanjav.

četrtek, december 21, 2006

Pa ne da prihajata 13 plača in Božičnica...hahaha!?

petek, november 17, 2006

Ovo je ovde Balkan
mirisni cvet
totalno nerazumljiv za ceo svet
I svako moze biti dusman i brat
svakih pedeset leta
izbija rat

nedelja, november 12, 2006

Why It Matters

Sit with me and tell me once again

Of the story that's been told us

Of the power that will hold us

Of the beauty, of the beauty

Why it matters

Speak to me until I understand

Why our thinking and creating

Why our efforts of narrating

About the beauty, of the beauty

And why it matters

Like the statue in the park

Of this war torn town

And it's protest of the darkness

And the chaos all around

With its beauty, how it matters

How it matters

Show me the love that never fails

The compassion and attention

Midst confusion and dissention

Like small ramparts for the soul

How it matters

Like a single cup of water

How it matters

Sara Groves. Why It Matters. Sony. 2005

sreda, november 08, 2006

Želja za rojstni dan.......da, bi še kdaj ponovilo!
Spomin na potovanje v Salvador,Bahia.......Brazilija 2002!

sreda, oktober 25, 2006

Whenever you look at a piece of work and you think the fellow was crazy, then you want to pay some attention to that. One of you is likely to be, and you had better find out which one it is......;-)!